Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Seoul: First Impressions

Hey guys,

This is my third attempt to write my first blog post. The problem being each time I sit down to write it more has happened, so I have to either eliminate some stuff, or write a novel. I think it’ll probably end up being a novel.

So first, my arrival was not without its struggle. I had to take a bus from Incheon to the apartment where I (thought) I would be staying for 1 week. Stayed on the bus 3 stops too long. I’ve got all my possessions with me, it is hot, I am sweating, I do not speak Korean, I am panicking. Luckily Koreans are SUPER nice to foreigners so some girl looked at my bus ticket, hailed a cab for me, and explained to the cab driving where to take me. Amazing. So I get to the apartment and  turns out I’m here in this apartment until September, but whatever. It is a super nice apartment, like nothing I could afford, however there is NOTHING in it. As in my first night in Korea was spent sleeping on a pile of blankets. Nightmare scenario? Check.

The apartment was also without a working stove, hot water, or internet. Winning.

I now have a mattress and all of the above things. But no furniture, whatsoever. I think I dream about tables.

Okay so teaching is really difficult. Think back to all those teachers you maybe hated or loved in middle school, the ones that gave you a tough time or who were really nice… they are all HEROES! And intelligent people, it takes a lot to figure out exactly how to teach little kids! I’m on day 3 and it is a struggle. The kids don’t give me feedback so it is hard to understand if I am going through the material too quickly or too slowly or what. And my night classes, from 7-10, are like pulling teeth. The kids will NOT engage in the class. At the end of last night’s class they sat around showing me their phones.

Oh that’s another thing, I don’t have a phone. I know for a fact I had a dream last night about getting a phone. I can get a prepaid one right now, but can’t get a plan until I get my Alien Registration Card on August 27th. Once I do though, I’m for sure getting that new Samsung galaxy III.

Guys, Korea is fucking awesome. This place is outrageously cool. It has hiking, I hiked to the top of a mountain and got the most amazing view of Seoul.

It also has the most delicious food ever. I’m obsessed with Korean food. I’ve had KBBQ twice now, incredible both times. And this dish called Galbi twice, at least I think that is the name. The language barrier makes dining out a bit daunting. But I will learn the language. My job is just so intense right now I don’t have the headspace to think about what I want to eat, let alone learning a new language.

Oh also, they make AMAZING pastries here. A shop called Paris Baguette is on literally every corner and they have a HUGE selection of the most delicious pastries. Also they have salads, I realized that a few days ago and it significantly increased the quality of my life. You really need to search for fresh vegetables here, in the market they are pretty expensive. Anyway my favorite pastry is a garlic sweet potato one. I just had it for breakfast. In America I never really craved pastries and never ate them, but for some reason here they are my go to comfort food.

Okay one more thing before this turns into an essay…the nightlife here is INSANE. And I haven’t even been to a club yet. The bars never close. Seriously. There is no last call. Koreans just drink all day erry day. And the clubs stay open until 8AM!!! 8AM!!!!!! I walked around Gangnam last Saturday night just watching all the drunk people make fools of the themselves. Also there are no open container laws.

Basically Soeul makes NYC look like child’s play. And electronic music is huge. So I think I’m going to be very, very happy here.

Thanks for reading! I know that was a whirlwind update without too many specifics but I’ll try to update with my frequency so that you guys can hear some of the ridiculous stories from my life in Seoul.

Much love

(PS: Blogspot has decided my name is Sensual Destruction, I'm not sure why but the internet has spoken, so let's go with it)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow Megan!! I'm so glad that you're there and doing it. It's great that there's hiking, YAY for hiking. And electronic music. And pastries. Did you know that there are Paris Baguette locations all over K-town though? lol anyway, you're making Korea sound awesome. More food pictures please, and pictures of the kids too xD And yourself, dressed in fobulous clothing, please.
