Thursday, August 30, 2012

My Very Own Apartment!

I realize it has been quite some time since I last updated you on the adventure that is my life these days. So although so very much has happened, I am going to try to stick to just one thing: my new apartment!

That's right folks! As of 2pm today Megan officially has her very own apartment in Seoul! It's like I really live here or something. I've been living in (very nice) temporary housing for the last month. It was a lovely, spacious penthouse type apartment but it was completely empty and it wasn't mine. I think that was a psychological block. I was living out of a suitcase for a month! I unpacked the essentials but left everything else in the bags until I moved into "my place".  I didn't realize how much it was getting me down until I got into my own place today.

This place isn't a palace, in fact it is a very small studio. But it is mine, and I already love it so much.

#1 reason I love it? Wood floors.

Let me repeat myself.

Wood. Floors.

I think those are commonplace in Seoul, but in the ghettos of Los Angeles they are NOT and I have been lusting after some wood fucking floors for about 5 years now. Finally they are mine. I guess patience really is a virtue. Mama was right.

Also, I now live by myself. Commence absurdity. Commence constant nudity. What? I'm alone behind a locked door. Shit is going to get weird.

I would like to back up, I have been blessed with a series of absolutely wonderful roommates over the last 5 years. People who were patient with my antics, agreeable, and generally easy to live with. But for the last year I have been longing for the solitude of my own place. I am an introvert and introverts need our time alone to recharge. This will be my nest and I am so excited to start setting it up.

Tonight, however, I am being Korean and sleeping on the floor. And not only I am I sleeping on the floor, oh no, I am sleeping on a pile of my jackets on the floor. Complete with airplane neck pillow.

What can I say? I'm a classy bitch.

But the apartment came with a really nice desk and bookshelf. 

All I want to pick up is a mat to sleep on, and some drawers for clothes, something to hang clothes from. Maybe a table. A sofa even... I'm getting a little ahead of myself.

Mostly I need storage.

Anyway I'm super excited about my new place. Its adorable and me sized (except even in Korea I can't reach the stupid top shelf in the kitchen cabinets, short girl problems).

Tomorrow the scavenger hunt around Seoul commences. Objective: furnish this apartment. I'll bring my camera and hopefully return with lots of amusing stories and pictures.

I love you all and miss Los Angeles very much. But moving into this apartment just made Seoul feel that much more like home.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the free world =D Isn't having your own cave wonderful?

    Mees yew.

